Monday 2 May 2011

May Day and Mogrophobia

I had a look back over Mogrophobia and concluded that, to get Daniel Craig on board, we'll need to find something juicy to blackmail him with or find a lookalike to threaten in some way. No sane person would take this on. Wait a minute...  

Yes, readers, if you can sit through two minutes (that feels like two months) of ads, then watch at least one minute of this without shaking your head till it falls off from sheer disbelief that anything so loopy could have been allowed to enter the airwaves, complete with bad acting, naff plots, naff dialogue and ridiculously cheap special effects.

Needless to say, I was a huge fan of the show and watched it religiously, to the consternation of my other half.

Still, I doubt that Mogrophobia has a chance of being made, except, perhaps, as an episode of Darkplace, and that just doesn't bear thinking about.

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